Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday's Menu

So how did everyone do over thanksgiving?
Did you eats lots of food at once?
Or, did you, like me graze alot!?

I love, love, love the food on Thanksgiving. I usually do a 6 month Thanksgiving meal in the spring!
My favorites are:
Stove Top Stuffing/gravy/cranberry sauce mixture- I mix it on my plate
Greek Stuffing- meaty with walnuts and berries
Mashed potatoes with gravy
chocolate cream pie

Oh just typing those make me hungry.

This Monday's Menu posting has really helped me. On the nights I don't wanna cook or don't know what to cook I can refer to this post and simply "do the next thing".
If the kids ask what's for dinner: we can refer to this post!

Without futher ado...
This weeks menu:
a heavy red-meat week: we are eating the freezer empty

day #1: steaks on the grill with potatoes
day #2: Philly cheese steak with peppers and onions
day #3: frozen pizza
day #4: steaks somehow: grill or thinly sliced- looking for recipes on this one
day #5: sweet and sour meatballs
day #6: I don't care: most likely we'll eat out! My night off!!
day #7: YoYo Night!

OK, so send me some steak recipes or your stir-fry recipes!!- yum!
Have a good week in the kitchen.

1 comment:

Superhero Mom said...

I typed out my menu and scheduled it for a early morning Monday posting! I even included my 5 spice london broil recipe if interested! Love you!