Monday, June 14, 2010

A Big Spread

Here's who ate dinner at my house 2 weeks ago.
18 teenagers and 6 adults.
Steve and I cooked spaghetti and garlic bread.
The students had traveled from house to house eating salad, appetizers, dinner then last house: dessert!!
As I was prepping for the meal I thought about Jesus and his travels.
I thought about how he hung out with 12 other guys, a group mainly made up of teenagers, and a couple of women.
I thought about those women, preparing a table for 13 plus.
I thought about the fun in moving from place to place with a large group of people, the friendships, the laughs, the inside jokes. How amazing was it to be one of Jesus' original disciples; how amazing it is to be one today.

What a great night!!

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