Thursday, February 14, 2013

Another Week of meals

I just dislike cooking.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, I really don't like to cook.
The meal planning, the deal getting (I spent $42 last week and saved $58), the shopping, the preparing, the clean-up and then there is the eating healthy thing, I mean come on can't we all live on chocolate. Cooking just doesn't excite me, in fact it has been the #1 most neglected thing in my life lately.
But... since we can't live on cereal I must make an attempt to cook something, anything.
So here goes...
my upcoming meals.

Thursday: Publix chicken
Friday: crock pot fajitas
Saturday: chicken salad 
Sunday: chicken soup
Monday: turkey meatloaf
Tuesday: sweet and sour meatballs
Wednesday: mini calzones

OK so there it is, I am attempting to NOT eat out this week.
As far as snacks and other meals... those drive me nuts too, I mean a diet of cereal and chocolate really fits every meal. Poor Aubry May and the rest of the eaters in our home. Don't get me wrong I do cook and we do eat healthy it's just that I don't do it with a joyful heart and I think food made in love tastes the best. I guess that's what I ask God for, a renewed heart for the cooking aspect of my stay at home mom job. I mean I use to enjoy it, one season of my life. I'm sure of it.
So breakfasts and lunches can look like this

b-fasts: oatmeal, cereal, eggs, apples, bananas, pancakes
lunches: hummus, pb&j, ham sandwich, fruit and veggie puree'
snacks: yogurt, graham crackers, fruit, sweet potato fries

Well hopefully this list will help me and I know my asking God is a for sure help.
So now... off to the grocery, at 5pm, with a baby, while I'm hungry :)

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